Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well, it's the first day of a new year! I started this blog because I enjoy reading other blogs and have gotten so many great ideas and encouraging words from others! The only problem I've had is, I'm horrible at keeping up on any one thing for a long period of time! I have great plans, ideas and drive then I make a u-turn and start to focus on something else. Some other great idea or inspiration! The funny thing is I've married someone just like me, so at least I have someone that understands and can laugh with me!

Because this blog is important to me, I'm not giving up! I've come up with a few ideas that will hopefully help me be more faithful to blogging.

1. Photo a day: I love to take pictures so this will help me share my love!
2. Weekly word, I have written down 52 words and put them in a jar, I'll pick one word every week and blog on the word. What it means to me and what memories, ideas and feelings it brings up. 
3. Scripture Sunday... I will share a scripture that has meaning to me. 
4. Me Mondays: I asked Santa (my hubby) for a treadmill for Christmas, well I got one and I mean to use it and not for a clothes rack! I have to put me first so I can be around long enough to enjoy my family and feel good enough to do the things I want to do! 

I could make this list so long that it would be impossible for me to be successful and that is normally what I do...but not this time!!!   

Here is my first Picture for 2012.  This is my son Jacob and his little boy Kobe, my sweet little Grandson!
This little guy has brought so much joy into my life! He has the best personality and he loves his Mimi... and his Mimi loves him! 

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