Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Big Love

I love taking quizzes! I was looking around on the web and was checking out Big Love, they have a quiz "Which Sister Wife Are You Like".  It was fun, if you're a Big Love fan check it out see who you're like, I'm like Margene! She is my favorite character.  On that note: I can't imagine being in a polygamist marriage! I'm way too needy of my hubby's time, I wouldn't be good at sharing him! Unless, the other wives only duties were cooking, cleaning, working (bringing home the money), and taking care of the kids and I got to be the one that went on vacation with our hubby, shopping, and share the bedroom with our hubby (the ONLY one). That would be the only way!! I asked Richard (My hubby) if he would want multiple wives, he said "NOOO WAY, I can hardley handle the one I've got".  LOL I'm very thankful it's just the two of us! We make a good team! GOOO TEAM KALE!

I'm getting grossed out as I type this Richard is watching a cooking show and they are talking about eating brains and other gross stuff! Great for my diet!

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